Monday on Peacock TV channel The Choice’s Mehdi Hasan Show, far-left House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-SC) stated that if Democrats don’t eliminate the filibuster now, “Republicans will get rid of it in the next Congress.” Because “I don’t see how we can have unfettered elections in November where every vote will be counted” if voting bills aren’t passed.
“I’ve been telling people for some time now that I believe very strongly that the filibuster is on its last leg,” Clyburn stated. “Now, either we get rid of that filibuster business now or we will lose the House and they will get rid of it, the Republicans will get rid of it in the next Congress.
“Because if we do not pass these bills,” he warned, “I don’t see how we can have unfettered elections in November where every vote will be counted, where the nullification efforts down in Georgia and other places — this is not about suppressing the vote. This is about nullifying the votes that have been cast. That’s what’s in this law that just passed down in Georgia. This is about criminalizing giving people convenience, people standing in line for four and five hours, if you give them a bottle of water, that is considered a criminal offense. That’s what’s going on here. This is a throwback to centuries that we thought were behind us.”
This is the left’s tiresome, absurd, false narrative, disseminated by media propagandists like Mehdi Hasan: that voter integrity laws will suppress votes, force voters to stand in line for 5 hours, and prevent them from eating or drinking while they vote. Not one word of this is true, but Democrats have to hype this scenario to distract from the reality that voter integrity laws suppress the fraud that Democrats need to win elections.