Clyburn: DOJ is ‘Part of the Administration’ So Congress Shouldn’t Investigate

Clyburn: DOJ is ‘Part of the Administration’ So Congress Shouldn’t Investigate

January 10, 2023

Monday on MSNBC’s The Last Word, Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC) reacted to plans by House Republicans to investigate various government agencies, including the Department of Justice, by stating the DoJ and its investigations are “part of the administration, and we ought not be interfering with the Justice Department doing its work.”

Clyburn stated, “I don’t know what it takes for people not to understand that this is a democracy.”

Fact check: the United States is actually a republic, not a democracy as Democrats wish it were.

“This is a body of the Congress that we are trying to maintain credibility with, and we’re not going to do that by opening up all kinds of suspicions about the institutions in our society,” he added. “I know a little bit about the institutions not being trusted. We need to build trust in these institutions, and you cannot do that by opening up investigations into the investigations that are, in fact, taking place.”

Actually, that’s exactly how you build trust in these institutions: by investigating and confirming that they are not engaging in wrongdoing and in the partisan targeting of political opponents. Clyburn wants to pretend that investigations will make people suspicious of the institutions, when in fact people already have zero confidence in the FBI, the DoJ, the CIA, etc.

“[Republicans] want to investigate the investigations that are underway by the Justice Department that ought to be independent of all that we do here,” Clyburn continued. “That is part of the administration, and we ought not be interfering with the Justice Department doing its work.”

Fact check: the problem is that the DoJ is not doing independent work but is doing the dirty work of a corrupt, power-mad, totalitarian Democrat Party, and people know it. Clyburn doesn’t want the truth exposed.

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