Clyburn: Barrett Confirmation Will ‘Throwback’ SCOTUS to Days of Segregation, Slavery

Clyburn: Barrett Confirmation Will ‘Throwback’ SCOTUS to Days of Segregation, Slavery

October 21, 2020

Tuesday on CNN, Rep. James Clyburn said if Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett is confirmed, the Court will become a “throwback” to the 1896 Plessy vs. Ferguson decision that upheld racial segregation and the 1857 Dred Scott decision which upheld slavery.

After claiming falsely that Trump is “packing” the Supreme Court (Barrett is only filling an empty seat; in fact, it is the Democrats who want to pack it), Clyburn said, “There needs to be balance in the Supreme Court. You know, I know what the Supreme Court was like during the Dred Scott decision, I know what the Supreme Court was like during Plessy vs. Ferguson. I think that this court that we see developing now is a throwback to Plessy vs. Ferguson and even Dred Scott…

“I believe very strongly that the Shelby vs. Holder decision that got rid of the Voting Rights Act was the worst decision of the Supreme Court since Dred Scott…” Clyburn continued. “I know what happened here in South Carolina and other states immediately after that decision when all of these onerous things were done to people’s voting rights. That’s what’s going on right now. A massive suppress-the-vote effort made possible, made possible by Shelby vs. Holder that would not happen but for that Supreme Court decision.”

There is no vote suppression. We will, however, see massive Democrat voter fraud in November.

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