Clooney: Hope, Once COVID ‘is Over and Trump’s Out of Office’

Clooney: Hope, Once COVID ‘is Over and Trump’s Out of Office’

December 9, 2020

In a speech at the New York Museum of Modern Art’s annual film benefit on Monday, self-important actor/activist George Clooney slammed President Trump for purported inaction against the coronavirus, noting sarcastically that once Trump is out of office, “we should probably do something about COVID.”

“We have faced an overwhelming threat that has affected people all over the world,” Clooney said. “But what I want to say to all of you is that we’re going to get through it. This scourge that’s disrupted so many lives, it’s terrified us, wrecked our economy, left us feeling like there’s no hope.

“Well, now we see there is. There’s more than hope. There is a bright light at the end of this tunnel,” he continued. “We will soon say goodbye to the dark ages. Goodbye to fear. Goodbye to doubt. Goodbye to the anxiety. Once this is over and Trump’s out of office, we should probably do something about COVID, too. That would be important. Here’s to 2021. We’ll see you in person then.”

Media lies notwithstanding, Trump did everything within his limited power to control the coronavirus; its most dire impact was the result of the lethal incompetence of blue state leaders like worthless New York Governor Andrew Cuomo.

Clooney stumped for doddering, empty-suit Democrat Joe Biden during the 2020 campaign. Biden, who has criticized Trump’s handling of the coronavirus, has offered up his own plan to combat it — which is literally indistinguishable from Trump’s.

Prior to the 2016 election, during a press conference at the Cannes Film Festival, political pundit Clooney smugly predicted, “There is not gonna be a President Donald Trump. It’s not gonna happen.”

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