Clarence Thomas Mocks Cory Booker’s ‘Spartacus’ Moment

Clarence Thomas Mocks Cory Booker’s ‘Spartacus’ Moment

September 13, 2018

In a C-SPAN conversation with the Federalist Society that aired Wednesday, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas poked fun at Sen. Cory Booker over the latter’s “Spartacus” moment during last week’s confirmation hearings for Brett Kavanaugh.

New Jersey Democrat Booker was roundly ridiculed after threatening to defy the Senate rules and release what he thought were confidential documents concerning Kavanaugh’s past.

“Honorable – if we could use that word about more people who are in public life, people who actually ask the questions at confirmation hearings, instead of ‘Spartacus,’” Thomas said, prompting loud laughter in the audience.

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