Former entertainer and current unhinged Twitter maven Cher took to social media, as she routinely does, on Tuesday to offer her take on the political news of the day — this time the Ukraine-Russia conflict.
Tweeting just a day prior to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Cher warned in her uniquely illiterate way that “Putin’s despot,trump Hero,& If Given Chance Putin Will Devour Sovereign Countries,Till He Resurrects USSR.”
She added, “This Will Leave Europe,Small & unprotected.Russia,China,Saudis Want 2 Bring 2 Its Knees,& C Perfect opportunity.They C Hate,Division,Weakness.”
A Politico/MorningConsult poll revealed Wednesday that a mere 40 percent of voters approve of Biden’s handling of the Ukraine-Russia issue, while 45 disapprove, including 35 percent who strongly disapprove.
Cher had endorsed Creepy Uncle Joe during the 2020 presidential election, singing “Happiness is a Thing Called Joe” during a virtual campaign fundraising event. “Joe will keep us safe. That’s all you need to know,” she promised.