Donohue: Maher’s Anti-Catholic Bigotry is Baked Into His DNA

Donohue: Maher’s Anti-Catholic Bigotry is Baked Into His DNA

November 14, 2023

In a recent editorial, Catholic League President Bill Donohue slammed comedian Bill Maher for “his anti-Catholic bigotry,” declaring that it is so “ingrained that he is incapable of changing on that score.”

Referring to the November 10 episode of HBO’s Real Time, Donohue noted that host Maher used his “New Rules” segment “to look at the utter collapse of public schools” and “to lambast Catholics”:

Maher notes that it is “not just the weirdo Christian families” seeking a better choice. In fact, he explains that millions of parents are looking to Catholic schools as an option to ensure their children actually learn something and are safe while they are there. In fairness to Maher, he notes that Catholic school students’ show fantastic academic achievements and in part this stems from the schools insistence on strict discipline.

However, in his next breath, Maher dove into a verbal lashing of Catholicism. He claimed that parents turning to Catholic schools reveal how bad the situation is because “to get a no bullsh*t education now, you have to turn to the place that’s completely based on bullsh*t.”

Instead, Maher suggested a better solution would be “a chain of non-Catholic Catholic schools.” He even notes that with so many celebrities opening their own failed alternative schools that he might get involved in education. He proposed making “Bill Maher’s Catholic School.” He bills it like a “traditional Catholic school, just without the religion and the molesting.”

Donohue concludes that when it comes to handling child predators, public schools, not Catholic schools, are the ones plagued with this problem today.

“While Maher may have changed somewhat, his tired refrain of beating up on Catholics suggests that his anti-Catholic bigotry is baked into his DNA,” Donohue added.

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