Castro: ‘Imperative’ to Ram DACA Amnesty Through Congress Now

Castro: ‘Imperative’ to Ram DACA Amnesty Through Congress Now

November 18, 2022

During a press conference this week, Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-TX) said it is “imperative” for Congress to push an amnesty for millions of illegal aliens eligible for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program through Congress before the GOP becomes the House majority.

“We’re going to look at whichever ways we can make it happen, whether it’s attaching it to a larger bill or whether it’s a standalone bill, but that’s still going to require some kind of negotiation and participation from Republicans in order to do that,” Castro said. “There’s a feeling in the Democratic caucus that it’s imperative to get it done in the lame duck session,” he continued. “Otherwise the politics become a lot tougher going into the next session.”

Castro’s lobbying for a DACA amnesty in the lame-duck Congress came as Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and other Senate Democrats called on 10 Senate Republicans to join them in passing the DREAM Act — a plan that would give amnesty to 3.3 million DACA illegal aliens and result in a chain migration flow of anywhere from 10 to 19 million foreign nationals arriving in the United States over the years to come.

Why the rush? Because Democrats will depend on those millions of votes from illegals to win elections.

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