Buttigieg: ‘Of Course We Can’ Ban Gas-Powered Cars by 2035

Buttigieg: ‘Of Course We Can’ Ban Gas-Powered Cars by 2035

October 6, 2022

Tuesday on the Fox News Channel’s Your World, Transportation Secretary diversity hire Pete Buttigieg declared that states like New York and California will be ready to transition to electric vehicles by 2035, and that “if the United States of America can’t execute a transition like this over the course of more than a decade, I don’t know what to tell you, this is America, of course, we can do something like that.”

Asked if he thought electric vehicles are “ready for prime time,” Buttigieg responded, “Well, actually, I think this is a great example of one of the many benefits of those tools. You know, I was just at the Detroit Auto Show a couple of weeks ago. One of the things that was very impressive about some of the vehicles that we saw, including, for example, the pickup trucks that are on the market — entering onto the market right now, is that their power can actually flow both ways. So, in an extreme event, from a neighborhood resiliency perspective, they can actually work, basically like a generator, except that you don’t have to have diesel ready for them. What they’re doing is they’re using the battery capacity to power a home, and in that sense, could be very useful in a scenario like this.”

Is he seriously suggesting that in an emergency like the Florida hurricane, that an electric pickup truck could be used to power one’s home?

“Look, I don’t think anybody thinks that we’re ready here, sitting here in 2022 for a scenario where, overnight, there is some instant transition to electric vehicles,” he conceded.

But when Cavuto cut in to ask if he thinks we’d be ready for that transition by 2035, which is a deadline proposed in states like California and New York, Buttigieg answered, “Well, yeah, I mean, GM said they’re not even going to be making anything but electric vehicles after 2035. So, if the United States of America can’t execute a transition like this over the course of more than a decade, I don’t know what to tell you, this is America, of course, we can do something like that. Different states have different approaches.”

Yes, this is America, and Americans overwhelmingly reject your lunatic Green Reset agenda that will devastate our economy and collapse our power grid. Go back to being a mediocre mayor, Pete.

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