Brokaw on Sanders: People Won’t Say ‘I’m for Socialism’

Brokaw on Sanders: People Won’t Say ‘I’m for Socialism’

February 4, 2020

During a roundtable discussion segment of NBC’s Meet the Press, former Nightly News anchor Tom Brokaw confessed he is skeptical of White House hopeful Bernie Sanders‘ chances of taking the presidency in November, considering Sanders’ socialism and the success of the economy under President Trump.

“I think… that frankly among younger voters that’s a possibility for him,” Brokaw said. “But with a strong economy, it’s really hard to see how a lot of people will step up and say, ‘I’m for socialism. I want to change this.”

“Because there are a lot of changes going on in our economy around the country. It’s more innovative than it’s been in my lifetime, frankly,” Brokaw added. “But very little of it has to do with socialism.”

Sanders is still pushing the fear-mongering narrative that wealthy, white, GOP fat cats are oppressing the 99%. In fact, Americans under Trump’s leadership are enjoying the most robust recovery in U.S. history. Minorities especially are reaping unprecedented economic success. This spells a Trump landslide in 2020.

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