Brennan: GOP Not Reining in Trump’s ‘Fascist Tendencies’

Brennan: GOP Not Reining in Trump’s ‘Fascist Tendencies’

November 9, 2020

Friday on MSNBC’s Deadline, former CIA Director and Deep State operative John Brennan called it “outrageous” that Republicans were not reining in President Trump’s “fascist tendencies.”

“I am just very concerned that Donald Trump right now is thinking and talking with his advisers and his inner circle of people, to see what he can do to try to derail, what I think is the inevitable inauguration of Joe Biden,” Brennan warned. “And so it is up to people like William Barr now, the attorney general who has demonstrated he’s willing to be Donald Trump’s personal lawyer, to stand up and to refuse any type of direction that he may get…

“I think there are too few people in the Republican Party these days who have that spine and intestinal fortitude and the love of country they need in order to push back against somebody who clearly has these fascist tendencies and is clearly trampling the tenants of our democracy,” Brennan pontificated. “The people in the White House, Mark Meadows and others who need to stop what Mr. Trump is doing. Of course, he could call for recounts. That is a legitimate request. But to continue to claim fraud and wide-scale fraud about these dedicated election officials, this is something that goes way way beyond the pale.”

“The fact that Republican senators in Congress are not speaking out loudly and continuously against Donald Trump is outrageous.” What’s outrageous is that the treasonous, anti-Trump Brennan is given a media platform to continue spewing the kinds of lies and disinformation he has propagated ever since Trump announced his first presidential run.

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