Breitbart: ‘Hardcore Communist Bass’ Tops Biden’s VP Shortlist

Breitbart: ‘Hardcore Communist Bass’ Tops Biden’s VP Shortlist

July 31, 2020

Breitbart News has written a lengthy profile of Rep. Karen Bass, who reportedly is now a top contender for the Democrat VP choice.

Former Sen. Chris Dodd, who serves on Joe Biden’s vice presidential search committee, reportedly has urged the hapless candidate to choose Bass because “she’s a loyal No. 2. And that’s what Biden really wants.”

She’s also a loyal radical leftist. As Breitbart notes, “a deep dive into Bass’s background reveals that her influences were not just socialist, but hardcore communist.” For example, in a statement following Fidel Castro’s death in 2016, Bass referred to him as “Comandante en Jefe” and described his death as “a great loss to the people of Cuba.” “[T]hese comments are merely the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Bass’s long and troubling association with communism and the communist regime in Cuba,” writes Breitbart.

“These are not accidental or incidental connections whatsoever,” Freedom Center founder David Horowitz was quoted in the article. To get the complete picture of Bass, check out her profile at Discover the Networks.

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