Former DNC chair Donna Brazile said on Fox News Sunday that President Trump’s label of the coronavirus as the “Chinese virus” was sowing “discord and division.”
“We are faced with a global pandemic that is deadly, and so I believe it calls upon our leaders, national leaders, local leaders to work collectively to speak as often as possible with one voice,” Brazile said. “I think the reason why many Americans, including myself, are very concerned about labeling it as a Chinese virus is because this is not the time to sow discord and division.
“We have to provide the kind of leadership that the American people understand, that we stay at home so we cannot just protect ourselves and our families but our communities, that our public health personnel around the front lines leading the equipment and materials in order to do their jobs and to protect their lives. This is a time where you look for leadership, not division, not dividing.”
The only division going on here is the Democrat obsession with race-mongering and Trump-bashing.