Booker: Trump’s ‘Obesity of Aggression’ in Debate ‘Was Embarrassing to Our Country’

Booker: Trump’s ‘Obesity of Aggression’ in Debate ‘Was Embarrassing to Our Country’

October 1, 2020

Tuesday on CBS’s The Late Show, Sen. Cory Booker said President Trump’s presidential debate performance earlier that evening “was embarrassing to our country.”

“It was painful,” mourned Booker. “I think that if you’re not hurting or worried after what we just watched, maybe you tuned in to the wrong thing. I mean, Donald Trump came with this obesity of aggression and just like a pugnacious posturing that was just not who we want to represent us. It’s not representing the spirit of the heart of this country. And I respect a lot of what Joe Biden was trying to say and do during that election. He came far more presidential, frankly.

“But Donald Trump – to see a Fox News commentator have to try to constantly wrestle with the president of the United States just so Joe Biden would have time to speak. It was embarrassing to our country. And yet another example of how Donald Trump’s heart is so discordant with I think with what the heart of America is all about and what the spirit of this country is about. It was hard. It was painful.”

What’s hard and painful is having to endure Booker’s tiresome grandstanding and pontificating. He has no idea what the spirit of America is all about.

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