Booker: Pro-Life Movement ‘Really About Harming Women’

Booker: Pro-Life Movement ‘Really About Harming Women’

June 10, 2019

Saturday on MSNBC, Democrat presidential hopeful Sen. Cory Booker declared that the pro-life movement is “really about disempowering, harming women, undermining their healthcare, undermining equality.”

“We are a nation that many of us share the common goal of reducing unwanted pregnancies and lowering the rate of abortion,” Booker said. “But the way you accomplish that is not by attacking women and denying them health care…

“We have this attack, this right-wing attack which is really about disempowering, harming women, undermining their healthcare, undermining equality… I live in a community, a low-income community with the dignity and value of all of my community, we deserve the same rights as people of wealth, people of privilege.”

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