Booker: Biden-Harris Ticket Will Help Us Get to the Mountaintop

Booker: Biden-Harris Ticket Will Help Us Get to the Mountaintop

August 12, 2020

Tuesday on MSNBC’s The Beat, grandstanding egotist Cory Booker said that a Joe BidenKamala Harris ticket will get black people to the “mountaintop,” referring to Martin Luther King Jr.’s 1968 Memphis speech.

After blathering on about how close he and Kamala are and what a “monumentally qualified human being” she is for the VP slot, Booker said, “I’m so proud. My ancestors are rejoicing tonight upon heaven.

“She has this gift in politics,” he added. “It is so valuable. I’ve seen it at all levels of politics when you can stand up and get a crowd on their feet, tens of thousands of people you have the poetry and the poise and the charisma… For Joe Biden to have that as his wing woman, I’m telling you right now, this duo in the White House is not just, forget beating Donald Trump. That’s critical. It is essential. For me, it is necessary but not sufficient because beating Donald Trump that gets us out of the valley. I want us to go. It does not get us to the mountaintop. But Biden-Harris, they could help us get to the mountaintop.”

Biden and Harris won’t even get Democrats off the ground in November, much less to the mountaintop.

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