Blue States Used COVID Relief Funds to Push Critical Race Theory in Schools

Blue States Used COVID Relief Funds to Push Critical Race Theory in Schools

April 30, 2022

Blue states, including New York and California, used Democrat-passed coronavirus relief funds to usher in the Marxist ideology Critical Race Theory (CRT) into schools, according to Breitbart News.

Democrats passed the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act in March 2021, which includes billions supposedly allocated to “safely” reopen schools. According to reports, “the law provided over $122 billion for the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER), which helped multiple states implement ‘implicit bias’ and ‘anti-racism’ training, among other programs, according to research from One Nation shared with and verified by Fox News Digital.”

The Department of Education offered “strategies” for using the funds to “address the impact of lost instructional time.” The department repeatedly emphasized “cultural responsiveness” and “equitable practices.”

It added that educators should prepare to have “uncomfortable” conversations and “evaluate and reflect on their school culture, climate, and policies” and use “well-designed survey tools to learn what practices may be keeping all students from feeling safe, included, and academically challenged and supported.”

According to Fox News, “at least $46.5 billion from the ARP ESSER fund has been allocated to 13 states, including California, New York and Illinois, that are planning to use the funds to implement CRT in their schools.” Illinois too received $5.1 billion in ARP ESSER funding for its reopening plan, which reportedly placed “an emphasis on equity and diversity.”

Thank God for Republican leaders like Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who had the courage to sign anti-CRT legislation, declaring that his administration believes in “education, not indoctrination.”

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