Black Mississippi Dems Walk Out of Senate over Bill to Ban CRT

Black Mississippi Dems Walk Out of Senate over Bill to Ban CRT

January 24, 2022

Breitbart News reports that all 14 black Democrat senators walked out of the Mississippi Senate Chamber on Friday in protest before a vote on a bill that prohibits the teaching of the racist tenets of Critical Race Theory (CRT) to children.

Senate Bill 2113 passed by a margin of 32-2 after the walkout of the black caucus. The two senators who voted against the legislation were both white Democrats.

The proposed legislation states, in part:

(1) No public institution of higher learning, community/junior college, school district or public school, including public charter schools, shall direct or otherwise compel students to personally affirm, adopt or adhere to any of the following tenants:

(a) That any sex, race, ethnicity, religion or national origin is inherently superior or inferior; or

(b) That individuals should be adversely treated on the basis of their sex, race, ethnicity, religion or national origin.

Prior to the walkout, Senate Minority Leader Derrick Simmons (D) questioned Sen. Michael McLendon (R), who introduced the bill. McLendon submitted he had not heard of an instance where CRT was being taught in Mississippi but noted that a large number of his constituents expressed concerns “over the teachings that they have heard from around the country.”

“We felt like it was a bill that was not deserving of our vote,” Simmons told reporters. “We have so many issues in the state that need to be addressed. We did not need to spend time on this.”

“We walked out as a means to show a visible protest to these proceedings,” said Democrat Sen. John Horhn.

“I’m trying to find the mischief in this bill and I don’t see it,” said Republican Sen. Chris McDaniel, who argued that if the bill had been introduced in the 1950s, it would have been the “most dynamic piece of civil rights legislation in this state’s history.”

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