Bill Gates Praises China’s Response to Coronavirus

Bill Gates Praises China’s Response to Coronavirus

April 28, 2020

The Financial Times reports that billionaire Bill Gates has stated that his charity, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, will be giving its “total attention” to the coronavirus pandemic. Gates also defended China’s handling of the virus.

In an interview from his home, Gates said his foundation, which has an endowment of $40 billion, will focus its resources on the pandemic which he believes could cost the global economy “tens of trillions of dollars.”

“You’re going to have economies with greatly reduced activity levels for years. So-called ‘animal spirits’ are going to be hard to find, other than government largesse. We’re definitely in the tens [of trillions], which blows the mind,” Gates said.

He also attacked Trump in a CNN interview for blaming China: “There’s a lot of incorrect and unfair things said. But it’s not even time for that discussion… China did a lot of things right at the beginning.”

No, it didn’t. China is 100% responsible for the coronavirus and its spread through the world.

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