Monday on MSNBC’s Deadline, 2020 White House hopeful Joe Biden said white supremacists are “very enthusiastic” about President Trump.
Biden criticized competitor Sen. Bernie Sanders for not disowning his supporters’ attacks: “I know you’re seeing what has been online, the vicious, vicious threats, the misogynistic things they’ve said referring to the women who are leaders of the Culinary Union, and they received death threats. I mean, this is way, way—this is Trump-like. Way over the line. And Bernie has to disavow this.”
Asked if he thought Sanders was “acting Trump-like in his refusal to disavow people that may be unsavory but that are very enthusiastic about him,” Biden replied, without citing any evidence, “By the way, the white supremacists are very enthusiastic about Trump.”
Throughout his campaign, Biden has perpetuated the lie that Trump has courted white supremacists and called them “very fine people.” In fact, Trump explicitly has denounced white supremacism on numerous occasions.