In a Monday White House event on coronavirus relief, empty-suit President Joe Biden declared that he wants Americans to wear masks “until everyone is in fact vaccinated,” indefinitely extending his previous request.
“So I urge — I urge all local docs and — and ministers and priests and every — to talk about why — why it’s important to get it — to get that vaccine, and even after that, until everyone is in fact vaccinated, to wear this mask,” Biden sputtered.
But back on January 26, Biden had said, “Experts say that wearing masks from now just until April would save 50,000 lives who otherwise will pass away if we don’t wear these masks. That’s why I’m asking the American people to mask up for the first 100 days.”
Then, on March 11, Biden said “we’ll have enough vaccine supply for all adults in America by the end of May,” suggesting that all adults would only be “eligible” to receive vaccinations no later than May 1. It is unknown how many months it then would take to vaccinate all Americans or if all Americans will even obtain the vaccine.
It was nine months ago that the CDC called on Americans to wear masks for 3 weeks to slow the spread of the coronavirus. Now we’re expected to wear them even after being vaccinated.