Biden: Trump ‘Unfit to Lead Us Through’ Coronavirus Crisis

Biden: Trump ‘Unfit to Lead Us Through’ Coronavirus Crisis

March 20, 2020

Democrat presidential frontrunner Joe Biden declared on Twitter on Thursday that President Trump is “unfit to lead” the U.S. through the coronavirus crisis.

Sharing a New York Times article attacking Trump over his purported mishandling of the coronavirus outbreak, Biden tweeted, “The words of a president matter, and Donald Trump has used his to downplay COVID-19 and mislead the American people. He is unfit to lead us through this crisis.

But as Breitbart News notes, a new ABC News/Ipsos poll found that 55% of Americans approve of Trump’s handling of the crisis, while only 43% disapprove. A poll from Survey USA similarly revealed that 51% of American adults approve of Trump’s management, while 46% do not. So it seems that a majority of Americans do trust Trump to lead, while Democrats just complain.

As usual, Joe Biden, the New York Times, and the Democrat Party are out of touch with the American people, and that will be abundantly evident come election time in November.

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