President Rails at ‘Prick’ David Axelrod Who Called Him Too Old

President Rails at ‘Prick’ David Axelrod Who Called Him Too Old

November 14, 2023

President Biden privately called David Axelrod a “prick” after the former Obama adviser suggested the president is too old to run for re-election in 2024.

On social media, Axelrod wrote, “Only Joe Biden can make this decision. If he continues to run, he will be the nominee of the Democratic Party. What he needs to decide is whether that is wise; whether it’s in HIS best interest or the country’s?”

Axelrod’s worries have been mirrored in poor polling for 80-year-old Biden and concerns about his age that have been following him all year.

Axelrod continued: “The greatest concern is that his biggest liability is the one thing he can’t change. Among all the unpredictables there is one thing that is sure: the age arrow only points in one direction.”

In response, octogenarian Biden called Axelrod a “prick,” according to Politico quoting an unnamed source.

Asked about the exchange during an interview with CNN , Axelrod said Biden “wouldn’t be the first” to fire insults against him.

‘”Listen, I understand, he was irritated because I raised concerns that many many Democrats have,” the former White House official said. “And again, my feeling is: either get out or get going. The stakes are so high – this isn’t Mitt Romney or John McCain or anybody else on the other side. It’s Donald Trump.”

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