Cognitively-impaired candidate Joe Biden told NBC he wants to import at least 125,000 refugees next year, offering a huge inflow of cheap disposable labor, according to Breitbart News.
Biden said if he is elected President, he would start by “[r]estoring refugee admission in line with the values and historic leadership of our country, raising the target to a minimum of 125,000 people a year in my first year. [President Trump] has cut it down to 15[000], the average has been 95,000 a year. Working with Congress to establish bipartisan legislation to ensure a minimum admission of 95,000 refugees.”
“That’s who we are,” the addled leftist Biden added. “That’s how my great-great-grandfather… got in [an unsafe] ‘coffin ship’ in the Irish sea, never knowing whether he was going to make it and he made it to the United States of America in 1848.”
If you want to see what happens to First World countries that embrace mass Third World immigration for cheap labor, take a hard look at what has happened to Europe.