In an interview Tuesday on NBC Nightly News, self-declared President-elect Joe Biden stated that “it’s a patriotic responsibility to wear a mask, to socially distance,” and that both actions are “critical pieces to dealing with bringing down this virus in a more manageable place.”
“I hope that we’re going to be able to have a united voice on the need to mask, socially distance, testing and tracing,” the empty-suit candidate said.
“They’re critical, critical pieces to dealing with bringing down this virus in a more manageable place. The words of a president matter. And I think it’s critically important, I think it’s a patriotic responsibility to wear a mask, to socially distance.”
Apart from the fact that masks have been proven ineffective against the spread of the coronavirus, the Democrats’ draconian lockdowns and other fear-mongering restrictions are doing far more harm than good. Biden’s “solutions” are not patriotic; they are totalitarian.