Bernie Bros’ Super Tuesday Outrage: ‘F*ck Warren Forever’

Bernie Bros’ Super Tuesday Outrage: ‘F*ck Warren Forever’

March 4, 2020

Supporters of presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders, known as “Bernie Bros,” are outraged that his rival Elizabeth Warren hurt Bernie’s chances by refusing to exit the race.

Warren’s defiance, they claim, hamstrung Sanders in Super Tuesday states. They argue that she should have dropped out and endorsed Sanders in order to consolidate progressive voters against establishment favorite Joe Biden.

“if you’re a progressive group who isn’t sitting down with warren right now to talk this out or saying you’re pulling your endorsement, what you’re running right now is a grift,” wrote Mashable reporter Matt Binder on Twitter. “no one can force warren to bow out of the race, but if you are an organization that considers yourself to be progressive, you have the power to do whatever you can to consolidate the left.”

“Fuck Warren,” one supporter tweeted. “Nice fucking work. We’ll never forget.” Another wrote,“Yeah fuck warren forever. She did this on purpose.”

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