Bass: L.A. Can’t Absorb More Migrant Buses From Texas Because of Homeless ‘Crisis’

Bass: L.A. Can’t Absorb More Migrant Buses From Texas Because of Homeless ‘Crisis’

July 1, 2023

Thursday on leftwing NPR’s All Things Considered, Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass defended the city codifying its sanctuary city status but said it can’t handle any more migrants sent by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) or other Republican officials because “we are in the middle of a crisis where we are not able to provide housing for Angelenos” and more buses “would exacerbate that crisis.”

Bass said that she was surprised Los Angeles hadn’t officially codified its sanctuary city status, because “from my point of view, L.A. had been a sanctuary city from years ago. I did not realize it hadn’t been codified into law. The primary reason for that is to protect immigrants, because we don’t want the Los Angeles Police Department essentially doing the work of ICE, of immigration. Undocumented immigrants [sic] are vulnerable. And if they feel like they can’t report a crime, they can’t call public officials or they might be deported, then that compromises the safety of all Angelenos.”

You know what else compromises the safety of all Angelenos? Being a sanctuary city for illegal aliens.

Bass continued, “This is a city of immigrants. We have people here from over 100 countries. And obviously, we want to make sure that anybody in our city is protected. We are also a city that has 40,000 unhoused [sic] people. And so, we are in the middle of a crisis where we are not able to provide housing for Angelenos. But that should never be an excuse for there to be an anti-immigrant sentiment. And what the governors are doing in these other cities is just a reflection of their xenophobia, of their anti-immigrant ideology. And it’s really political. This is in preparation for the 2024 election. The Republicans plan to run on an anti-immigrant platform, just like they have been doing pretty consistently over the last few years.”

Fact check: Republicans aren’t xenophobic or anti-immigrant; they’re anti-illegal immigration, and Democrats are pro-illegal immigration. They’re open borders fanatics hell-bent on seizing and maintaining electoral power through mass absorption of Democrat-voting illegals. Now that’s political.

Asked if Los Angeles is in a position to absorb more busloads of migrants should Gov. Abbott or any other Republican leaders send more busloads, Bass answered, “No, that — well, that’s why I said if what happened to New York happened in Los Angeles, it would send a city that is already in a crisis and it would exacerbate that crisis.”

Here’s an idea that might ease the crisis: get the border under control, get realistic about the impact of unchecked immigration, and don’t set yourself up as a sanctuary city for foreign criminals.

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