Axelrod: ‘Fear and Panic’ Driving Dem Grumbling About Biden

Axelrod: ‘Fear and Panic’ Driving Dem Grumbling About Biden

July 11, 2022

Friday on CNN’s New Day, President Obama’s former senior adviser David Axelrod admitted that “fear and panic” over their midterm election chances were driving Democrats to complain about President Joe Biden.

“Well, fear and panic is what’s driving it,” Axelrod told the host. “People are worried about the midterm elections, much of the clamor is coming from Capitol Hill, where, you know, many members are up for re-election in November. So that’s part of it.”

He went on to defend Democrats who wanted “vigorous” action from Biden over the Supreme Court ruling overturning Roe v. Wade, while also defending Biden for having a tough job to handle.

“I have great sympathy for the people in the White House. I was in the White House during a similarly freighted time back in 2010, it is not pleasant to be on the receiving end of all of these very helpful suggestions,” Axelrod said. “But, when Democrats chose Joe Biden, when Joe Biden was elected, he was elected for the very things he’s being criticized for. He was elected because he was considered a calm, conciliatory figure after the tumultuous years of Donald Trump.”

Biden is being criticized for being calm and conciliatory? No, he’s being criticized for running the country into the ground and spewing hatred at his political opponents all the while. Not to mention the fact that Biden was installed in the White House after what can charitably be described as a hotly-contested election fraught with widespread Democrat voter fraud.

Axelrod added weakly that Biden has “done better than his numbers reflect,” whatever that means.

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