AOC: Twitter Targeting ‘Neo-Nazis,’ ‘Violent Insurrectionists’

AOC: Twitter Targeting ‘Neo-Nazis,’ ‘Violent Insurrectionists’

January 13, 2021

Sunday on Twitter, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) responded to a complaint from former White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders, who noted she had lost tens of thousands of Twitter followers as the social media platform began silencing conservative voices, arguing that Twitter is simply targeting “neo-Nazis and violent insurrectionists.”

Sanders was responding to a January 9 tweet from Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who posted a screenshot showing prominent members of the GOP suddenly losing thousands of followers.

“Free advice – if you are losing tens of thousands of followers the moment Twitter starts taking down Neo-Nazis and violent insurrectionists, maybe don’t advertise that!” Ocasio-Cortez taunted. “Also maybe people are unfollowing you out disgust for your support of a coupist bc they care about our country.”

Here’s some free advice, AOC: if you are proud of your side’s totalitarian assault on free speech and its demonization of conservatives as violent white supremacists, maybe don’t publicly pat yourself on the back for that.

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