Sunday on CNN’s State of the Union, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) argued that President Trump’s response to the coronavirus “is going to cost lives.”
“There are not enough face masks, gloves, ventilators, hospital beds to get us through this. Many hospitals are already at capacity or are approaching capacity. And there is a kind of new real stream in sight from the federal government on where these materials are coming from. Companies are donating what they can. That is great. It is not enough. And the fact that the president has not really invoked the Defense Production Act for the purpose of emergency manufacture is going to cost lives,” AOC claimed.
“And we cannot wait until people start really dying in large numbers to start production, especially of more complicated equipment like ventilators and hospital beds. We need to start this production right now to get ready for the surge that is coming,” she added.
Nothing would make Dems like AOC happier than to be able to pin American coronavirus deaths on Trump.