In a statement released Tuesday, radical Rep. Alexandria-Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) slammed an agreement to slash $1 billion from the NYC Police budget, declaring that the decision is “not a victory” and that “the fight to defund policing continues.”
“Defunding the police means defunding the police,” AOC stated. “It does not mean budget tricks or funny math. It does not mean moving school police officers from the NYPD budget to the Department of Education budget so that the exact same police remain in schools.
“It does not mean counting overtime cuts as cuts, even as NYPD ignores every attempt by City Council to curb overtime spending and overspends on overtime anyways. It does not mean hiring more police officers while cutting more than $800M from NYC schools. If these reports are accurate, then these proposed ‘cuts’ to NYPD’s budget are a disingenuous illusion. This is not a victory. The fight to defund policies continues.”
The only policy more disastrous than AOC’s Green Economy idea is her mission to “defund the police.”