Antifa Forces Portland Bookstore to Close over Journalist’s Book

Antifa Forces Portland Bookstore to Close over Journalist’s Book

January 13, 2021

Antifa protesters assembled outside Powell’s Books on Monday and Tuesday, demanding the store not sell a forthcoming book by journalist Andy Ngo about his investigations into the domestic terror group.

The shock troops of the left forced the prominent Portland, Oregon, bookstore to close for the last two days, demanding it not sell the forthcoming book Unmasked: Inside Antifa’s Radical Plan to Destroy Democracy by local conservative journalist Ngo, who details “Antifa’s radical plans to destroy democracy.”

Ngo tweeted a video interview with one of the demonstrators explaining why she wants the store to “stop selling that f—king book” set for release on February 2.

Protesters claim the bookseller is “propagating racism and right-wing ideology” and that they are supporting a “fascist gravy train book for a Nazi-collaborating Portlander.”

In a statement from the bookseller, the store said, “This book will not be on our store shelves, and we will not promote it. That said, it will remain in our online catalogue” for sale. “We carry books that we find anywhere from simply distasteful or badly written, to execrable, as well as those that we treasure. We believe it is the work of bookselling to do so.”

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