Anti-BLM Protest Rumor Unnerves Kaepernick Producers

Anti-BLM Protest Rumor Unnerves Kaepernick Producers

February 18, 2021

The producers of cop-hating racial agitator and notorious national anthem protester Colin Kaepernick’s Netflix film were briefly unnerved over fears that anti-Black Lives Matter (BLM) activists were planning a protest during a location shoot, according to Breitbart News.

Producers became worried that the production was going to be targeted on Friday by a protest sponsored by the Proud Boys, a patriotic organization that isn’t afraid of confrontation with violent leftists like Antifa and BLM. The protest never happened, but the producers sent out a memo to crew and staff just in case, warning that “anti-BLM sentiments may protest against the production.”

The film, entitled Colin in Black and White, is being produced by race-mongering black director Ava DuVernay and will star Jaden Michael as a young Kaepernick. “His resistance, his protest, the manner in which he’s gone on living life in his interactions with the NFL have been extremely inspiring to me as an artist,” DuVernay gushed to the propaganda outlet GQ, ostensibly a men’s style magazine.

The movie will chronicle Kaepernick’s teenage years, so it won’t depict the years in which Kaepernick exploited black victimhood, inflamed the war on cops, and adopted revolutionary chic to become a multi-millionaire anti-capitalist.

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