Adams Deploys Police Robot to Times Square Subway Station

Adams Deploys Police Robot to Times Square Subway Station

September 23, 2023

In a Friday morning press briefing, New York City Mayor Eric Adams (D) announced the deployment of NYPD robot police to the Times Square subway station, claiming it will save the city money.

“The population of men and women in law enforcement — in criminal justice — those numbers are decreasing,” Mayor Adams told reporters. “What we must do is look at existing technology and see — how do we continue to be innovative.”

“We must use every available method to continue to see our city be the safest big city in America, and that’s what we’re doing,” he insisted. “We’re taking existing technology, cameras, being able to communicate with people, and we’re placing it on wheels.”

“Properly using technology saves money,” Adams continued. “Being able to view from the ground or in the air really allows the proper deployment deployment of manpower and police resources.”

So, “Today we’re launching a pilot program to test the Knightscope K-5 security robot. The NYPD must be on the forefront of technology.”

Asked by a reporter how much the robot will cost, Adams replied, “I know you wanted to write about how we’re wasting money, but I’m sorry, I’m taking your thunder away. We’re leasing at $9 an hour.” He added, “I’m hoping you’re going to put a line in your story about how cost-efficient I am. This is below minimum wage. No bathroom breaks, no meal breaks. This is a good investment.”

The mayor explained that the police robot “will operate between midnight at 6:00 a.m. at the Times Square subway station for two months,” and “will be accompanied by a police officer at all times.”

Adams added that the K-5 does will also “have a button that connects you immediately to a live person that New Yorkers can utilize 24/7 with questions, concerns, or to report an incident, if needed.”

Isn’t that what the accompanying officer is for?

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