ACLU Helps Free Illegal Alien Felons Including Child Molester

ACLU Helps Free Illegal Alien Felons Including Child Molester

April 6, 2020

At the urging of the George Soros-funded American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), California federal Judge Terry Hatter Jr. has mandated the release from prison of six illegal aliens and legal immigrants convicted of felonies including child molestation and drug trafficking, according to Breitbart News.

Among other threats to the public, Hatter’s decision in favor of the ACLU sets free: Paolo Rayon Vite, a green card-holder from Mexico convicted of child abuse; illegal alien Martin Vargas Arellano of Mexico, convicted of child sex crimes against a minor and drug possession; Charleston Edward Dacoff of Belize, who has an extensive criminal record including multiple drunk driving convictions; and Luis Lopez Salgado, a green card-holder from Mexico convicted three times for selling and trafficking cocaine — all for fear they could contract the coronavirus while in detention.

The ACLU is also suing the federal government on behalf of 13 illegal aliens and legal immigrants in ICE custody demanding release during the pandemic. Because the left’s priority is always illegals over citizens, and criminals over the law-abiding.

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