Peter Drekmeier

Peter Drekmeier


* Veteran environmental activist
* Co-founder of Environmentalists Against War
* Co-founder of Bay Area Action
* Believes that the U.S.-led War in Iraq was motivated by American lust for oil

Peter Drekmeier is a co-founder of Environmentalists Against War (EAW), a coalition of environmentalist groups and individuals that openly condemn the U.S. war in Iraq. In EAW’s estimation, the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq was motivated solely by America’s lust for oil. “It appears that the only weapon of mass destruction to be found in Iraq is oil,” said Drekmeier sardonically. EAW also denounces what it deems the American government’s post-9/11 assaults on immigrants and civil liberties. 

Drekmeier is a veteran environmental activist. He is also a co-founder of Bay Area Action (BAA), an environmental advocacy organization (now called Acterra: Action for a Sustainable Earth) based in California’s San Francisco Bay Area. BAA sought to recruit area high-school students into environmental and social activism. One of BAA’s campaigns involved “boycotting The Gap because of the company’s sweatshop labor practices and ties to clearcutting Mendocino County.” After the group was renamed, Drekmeier served for some time as its Coordinator in charge of High School recruitment and organizational efforts.

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