Nancy Duff Campbell

Nancy Duff Campbell

: Photo from Wikimedia Commons / Author of Photo: Women's eNews


* Co-founder and co-president of the National Women’s Law Center
* Condemned President Bush’s 2001 tax plan as a “threat to women and families”
* Embraces radical feminist agendas

Nancy Duff Campbell is the co-founder and co-president, along with Marcia Greenberger, of the National Women’s Law Center (NWLC). With the stated aim of “protect[ing] and advanc[ing] the progress of women and girls at work, in school, and in virtually every aspect of their lives,” NWLC promotes aggressive legislation and litigation campaigns to address alleged gender inequities in the United States. In practice, NWLC embraces the radical feminist agenda that supports unrestricted access to abortion-on-demand; increased welfare spending for low-income women; gender preferences in hiring, promotions, and college admissions; and the depiction of women as victims of rampant societal sexism and discrimination.

Campbell is recognized as an expert on women’s law and public policy matters, with a focus on issues concerning low‑income women and their families. She received her undergraduate degree from Barnard College, and her law degree from New York University School of Law in 1968. Prior to her work with NWLC, she was a law professor at Georgetown University Law Center and Catholic University School of Law. She also worked as an attorney with the Center on Social Welfare Policy and Law (now the Welfare Law Center) in New York. Policy changes and initiatives that she has fought for include the removal of low-income families from the tax roll, and the expansion of the rights of military women to serve in combat.

Campbell has served on the District of Columbia Bar Board of Governors; the Board of Advisors for Institute for Women’s Policy Research; the Board of Advisors for the Alliance for National Defense; and the Board of Advisors for Women Law and Development International. She has also been called one of the twenty-five heroines for women’s rights in the workplace by Working Woman Magazine. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services granted Campbell a Lifetime Achievement Award for her work to improve child support enforcement.

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