Karen Pearl

Karen Pearl


* Pro-abortion advocate
* Served as interim president of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America
* Condemns abstinence-only programs as “dangerous and ineffective”
* Has been the president & CEO of God’s Love We Deliver since September 2006

Karen Pearl was the 2005 interim president of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA), the largest abortion-provider in the United States. It has been reported that PPFA now performs almost a quarter of a million abortions each year, and accounts for nearly one out of every five abortions performed in the U.S.

Pearl served for ten years as the president and CEO of Planned Parenthood of Nassau County (PPNC, located in Hempstead, New York), where she directed initiatives to establish new sex-education programs. During her tenure at PPNC, Pearl was also responsible for launching the Voices For Choices (VFC) program. VFC seeks to “engage and train thousands of activists,” with the goal of creating a group of “passionate, articulate and proactive supporters ready to respond to any threats to choice.” In an effort to enlist pro-abortion activists for VFC, PPNC hosted house parties which “allow[ed] a pro-choice speaker to educate and mobilize a group in an intimate setting.” Topics discussed at these gatherings included: “contraceptive coverage equity”; “anti-choice cabinet appointments and court nominations”; and the demerits of “abstinence-only education.”

Pearl’s major campaign since taking office as PPFA interim president has been to impugn abstinence-only programs, which she describes as “dangerous and ineffective” despite the fact that many experts believe the programs deserve credit for declining rates of teenage pregnancy. Pearl also accuses the Bush administration of “dispensing inaccurate information” regarding birth control, and of “packing government health and science agencies with anti-choice zealots.”

In addition to her work with PPFA, Pearl is also a member of the steering committee of the Long Island, New York-based Save Our Services (SOS), whose principal mission is to ensure “that any religious entity that serves individuals of all faiths does not impose its religious values on the health-care decisions of others.” Thus SOS seeks to impose its pro-abortion stance on those who may, for moral reasons, oppose abortion.

Since September 2006, Pearl has been the President & CEO of God’s Love We Deliver.

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