Hisham Al-Talib

Hisham Al-Talib


* Founder of the SAAR Foundation

Hisham Al-Talib was a founder of the SAAR Foundation, which the FBI and the U.S. Customs agency believe was established to raise funds and launder money for international terrorist groups like Hamas, Hezbollah, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and al Qaeda. In the 1970s, Al-Talib was a board member of the financial network Al Taqwa, which operated out of Switzerland and Leichtenstein, and which investigators believe is a financial backer of terrorist group the Muslim Brotherhood. Al-Talib has also been an officer of the International Institute of Islamic Thought, which is controlled by the Saudi-Wahhabi movement. In 1963 he was a co-founder of the Muslim Students Association of the U.S. and Canada.

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